Get the help you need!
Do you have a loved one in a New York State prison or jail who needs commissary funds?
You can submit a commissary request through the following methods:
Complete and submit the TCF commissary request below.
Send us a commissary request email at thecommissaryfund@gmail.com
Be sure to include your incarcerated loved one’s information (i.e., name, NYS ID Number/DIN [Department Identification Number], place of incarceration, and any additional information).
Email Us
Mail us a commissary request letter at
The Commissary Fund, Inc.
1485 Howard Road
P.O. Box #24029
Rochester, NY 14624
Include your incarcerated loved one’s information (i.e., name, NYS ID Number/DIN [Department Identification Number], place of incarceration, and any additional information).
Call (585)210-0504 and leave a message with your loved one’s information (i.e., name, NYS ID Number/DIN [Department Identification Number], place of incarceration, and any additional information).
If we need more information, we will contact you so be sure to leave your name and phone number in the message.
Our Process
We Receive Requests
Most requests come from spouses and parents of incarcerated individuals through our website. Some requests come from incarcerated individuals through letters in our mailbox.
We Review Requests
We review each request to confirm the incarcerated person’s name, identification number, and place of incarceration. As a board, we vote on each request.
We Fulfill Requests
We send commissary money to incarcerated individuals.
We Help Incarcerated Individuals and Their Loved Ones
Our commissary support helps incarcerated individuals obtain food, hygiene products, and communication with loved ones while alleviating the burden of commissary on the loved ones.